
Secret marridge of Bang and Yeong

카리스χάρης 2024. 6. 11. 01:03


“Honey, you’re here again.”

It was the chilly night, Mrs. Bang placed a coat on Mr. Bang's shoulders.

The two looked at the stars in the sky and wondered which star was theirs. 


stars in the night [1]

“Huh? Honey? There’s a star falling over there.”

meteor [2]

“Yeeehhhhs. Maybe, a precious child arrived at one parent tonight.”

“It’s a blessing for them. When will we have a child? Even the god is indifferent to us.”
Mrs. Bang sighed deeply and said.



There was a powerful and prestigious Bang family in Beijing during the Ming Dynasty. 
Despite their long marriage, the only thing they didn't have was a child. 

박연부부 초상 [7]

"Chilsong-nim(big dipper), please give us a child."
Bang couple always prayed for a baby looking at the sky and searching for a star of their baby.



On the other hand, there were families with plenty of children.


The Yeong family in Hanseong was blessed with children and had seven sons and four daughters already. 
There were also parents with only daughters. Those parents desperately wanted to have a son because having a son would give more chance to elevate the family's honor by his official achievement.
“Oh, God, why do you only give us daughters? Give us a son!”

But, the Bang couple didn't ask for much.
“We want just one baby whatever the gender is.”
they prayed for this every night, looking at the stars.


Then finally they got a child.
It was a long wait.


It was a baby girl.
It would have been better with a baby boy, but that's not important for the Bang couple. Their daughter was so pretty and perfect. They were still grateful for the baby.
"Thank Chilsong-nim. Thank Chilsong-nim for giving us a pretty and sweet girl."

This daughter was named Gwanju. Gwanju Bang.
Honey dripped from the eyes of the Bang couple watching at their baby. 
'My pretty baby girl.'


She was a precious daughter, and she was a pretty daughter no matter what she did.
She is curious and smart. From the age of 3, she was able to read even difficult texts. she likes reading a lot.

장한종, 책가문방도 8곡병, [36]

Gwanju was an active child. She loved to run around and have fun, she always wore pants for the activity.
Mr. and Mrs. Bang were delighted to watch their daughter.

엘리자베스 키스, 한국의 아이들 [5]


They told her, "Sweetie. Just grow healthy, that's all we want from you."

As time passed, this child's behavior and dress were no different from those of a boy. Everyone knew she was a boy.


Parents didn't care what other people thought, because their daughter was happy and right living her life.



Meanwhile, a daughter was born in Yeong family. She was the same age as Gwanju. Her name was Hyebing. Hyebing Yeong. They shortly call her Bing.

However, the situation was very different from Gwanju. Since this family already had seven sons and four daughters, Hyebing was just one of those kids for her parents. She was not treated any better than them.
This youngest daughter did not grow up freely like Gwanju. As in other families, sons were treated more honorably than daughters. She was only recognized if she fulfilled her feminine duties and behaved accordingly.

운보 김기창, 물레질 [19]


Bing was a smart and talented girl. 
She was very interested in seeing the world and how people lived. 

말을 탄 조선의 여인들 [37]

She was also very good at observing people. She could tell the person's personality just by looking at their voice, trembling, and attitude. 
She was wise enough to differentiate the goodness. 

She admired people with insight into the world, people with beautiful writing and poetic skills, and people who were truly brave. She did not admire people who pretended to be strong.
She liked reading and poetry and books.


"Hey, Bing? Why do you spend that much time on reading books? Please limit your interest of the world. If you want to manage your family as a mother in the future, better you develop some sewing skills or cooking. Do you have any thoughts or not?"

상차림, 떡만들기, 엿만들기 [38]

The mother was very worried about Hyebing.

“Look at your sisters and brothers. You have many sisters and brothers who are examples like that, but I don’t understand why you learn nothing from your siblings. Men and women are differentiated beings. Men have men’s jobs, and women have women’s jobs. Why don’t you know that? "


“Who doesn’t know that?
I also live my life in thinking a lot to have better life. "

Hyebing say it back one more time to her mother. 
"You know what, mom? I envy none of my siblings. they are not my examplars."

There were somethings in the world that Hyebing disliked.
When she saw her brothers, father, and uncles, she saw them selfish, fight needlessly, get angry for nothing, insist for wrong thing, and know nothing about literature. 

싸우는 선비들 [37]

She thought they are still enjoying role playing game of boss and title.

Her siblings worry, care, and interfere excessively with her as if she were still a three-year-old child. She felt like she would never grow up. She didn't like this care. She just want some respect and appreciation as a human, not as a little girl.

엘리자베스 키스, 민가문의 딸 [40]

She thought that such a protective attitude created rules that bound women's life. She was very dissatisfied with the life of a woman who had to obediently follow orders. 
She talk to herself.
'Excessive protection is no different from shackles. These rules are ruining women.'
'Women are made. If I can’t live the same as a man, I might as well give up social role framed as a human ethics.'


김만덕 [34]


As you see, One girl grew up as the only child and doing what she wants. 
The other girl lived under many restrictions. Will they have a hard life? what life will they face?

When Gwanju was 8 years old.
Her parents knew that now she has reached the age where she must act differently as a girl. So, they had to gradually educate their daughter and persuade her to change her dress and behavior.

But Gwanju resist it.
“I want to rise to a government position like my father, serve for the kingdom, and live with honor.”

율곡 이이 [45]

“No, my daughter Ju, you can’t do that. that is dangerous and hard.
From now on, you need to learn how to sew and behave well in order to get married, have children, and start a family. 

“I don’t like it. I don’t want to spend my life confined to the house.”

고구려 벽화 [46]

Both her nanny and her parents were trying to persuade Gwanju.

Oh, but Bang parents suddenly passed away on an accident from their trip.

Gwanju is now an orphan.

장례식 [16]

After the funeral, 

장지행 [14]

she took care of her parents the best to the grave.

서오릉 [15]

She cried a lot, but she was a strong girl.
She wanted to live her life independently upholding her parents' legacy. and She thought that if it became known that she was a woman, people would take away her parents' inheritance for the name of protection.

She made up her mind. “In order to survive this harsh world alone, I will live as a man. I don't want to live as a housewife or dependent. If possible, I will dream to serve for my country and will achieve my honor with my ability.”

The nanny was upset about her.
“No, manim. What? Man? What nonsense. There are rules in the world that must be obeyed.”

“Oh, how dare you. Shut up.”


After three years of mourning for her parents, 

삼년상 [17]

she set off on a trip to see the world.

엘리자베스 키스 [5]


장치기 놀이 [27]

While traveling around the world, she learned a lot about the world and also men's way of speech.
She acquired quite manly manners, even if she didn't bother to imitate a man or a boy.

엘리자베스 키스 [5]


She was 12 years old when she returned home from her trip.
A special aura radiated from her. She had the face of a beautiful boy, but her eyes and expression were like those of a great man, full of strength and confidence. Moreover, her facial expressions, gestures, and behavior were completely identical to those of a cultured upper-class man.

선비 이종웅 [30]

In addition to her looks, she became more popular due to her academic prowess and her speech.


The national exam has been announced.

1960년 선거비판 벽보 [31]


조선 상인들의 한글 투서 [33]

This test was an opportunity for men across the country to change their status based on their ability and to rise to an official  position. All those interested in positions for kingdom began preparing for the test. Even some slaves from many different job area are going to apply for the position.


Ju was determined to take the test. She had always dreamed of becoming a Kingdom official, and now she was going to make that dream come true. This was not just about her dream. she wanted to prove to her parents that she could still maintain the family's reputation with her ability.
She traveled to Hanseong to take the exam.


Whenever/wherever she takes a break in a stay, she sees various men heading to Hanyang.
They're all traveling for the same purpose to become an official by their ability not by their status. They discuss about the knowledge and shared their knowledge.
She really liked sharing knowledge with these noble Seonbi's.

강희언 사인휘호 [11]



but some man had very disappointing attitude. their attitude didn't really look like prospective minister.
They were enjoying each day like tourists, as if they had forgotten that they had to prepare for the exam.



they looked not very responsible or mature not only as for the man for the kingdom, even as an adult.

신윤복 춤 [42]

She can't believe how eager these guys are to take the test and serve for the kingdom. They were just drinking and having fun with girls, or playing man doing stupid things. She talks to herself. 'You idiots.'



She's been cautious as a girl for taking one step in man's world, but now she's more confident.

It's finally exam day.

Each of the students is sitting in their own seat waiting for today's topic to be announced.

national essey test [3]

The exam questions have been announced.
She saw a lot of unsightly gestures, such as a too much nervoused boy, or a boy who smells like alcohol and is still sleeping, a noisy one, and a dude who coughs with condescension.  

Some men look at a test question and condescend with loud, exaggerated gestures, as if they were already an official or the only ones who got the right answer, which was very annoying to her.



'What a small pitty little idiots.'

Gwanju said to herself.
'Now, shall I try it too?’

Without hesitation,
she wrote down sentences.


The announcement of selection has just been made.
She passed the exam. Not just a passing. She took the first position.
The king was so moved by the first-place answer that he wanted to meet the one.
Even after the meeting, he was even more impressed by Gwanju’s noble speech.


He was delighted to have Gwanju as his official person.


so, he gave her the official title of 'Hallim', built her a large house, and gave her servant and land. Now her name became Hallim Gwanju Bang. King and other people used the title hallim to respect her status in offical settings. They call her 'Bang Hallim'

All the powerful people in the town were trying to get their daughters married to her.
people used talk like this. 

"A noble boy who is only 12 years old has already obtained a position in Kingdom as a 'Hallim'.
This is not all.
More than anything, his speeches and his sentences are amazing and wise. He will become a very strong and wise royal official in a future. A family that has him destined for wealth and fame. "

But there are also people who like him not because of his position because of his personality. after they saw his writing, they gave full of praise.

"What kind of noble person is he? He understands the world in such a deep insight with poetic mind."

김홍도, 오원아집소조 [51]


Do you remember the couple with many children, Yeong's, and their youngest daughter, Hyebing Yeong?

Bing was also moved by Ju's sentence: "If he has that much writing sense and speech with noble emotion, I would even want to have a marriage life with him even if he has an ugly face with a twisted body."
She thought this way.
As expected, Hyebing's parents had a lot of concerns about her marriage. They had already finished all their children marriages, and now it was Bing's turn to find a suitable partner. Mr. Yeong, the Bing's father learned about Bang hallim while they were concerned about their daughter.
Indeed, Ju was a good looking boy, Mr. Yeong was even more eager to have him as a partner of his daughter. He actively uses many strategies to persuade Ju to match with his daughter. It is like, Wherever Ju goes, he meets Mr.Yeong by chance.
"Ohhh, hu hu hu, Who is this? aren't you Bang Hallim?"
"Good afternoon, Sir. Please, speak casually to me."
" .... Hey Hey listen to me...... I have a beautiful, precious daughter who is the same age as you. You will like her. Do you have any plan to marry to someone? My daughter will suit with you. I am telling you. "

Meanwhile, besides Mr. Yeong, Ju was being asked to marry their daughter by several families, but she was refusing. Now GwanJu, literaly, had to face her reality as a girl for how long she could fake the world with a man charade.
She talk to herself with uncomfortable feeling trying to find the right respond to him.
'I never thought about getting married in my life, but things are happening. everybody pusing me to do it. What should I do? If my lies are revealed, I'm done. Was I too rash? Was it too risky to live as a man? My nanny used to tell me to wake up to reality every day, and now I understand why she worried that much. Can't I just live without marriage? Everyone everywhere giving me too much attention about my marrige. It's pretty annoying. What's the difference between me and a man? I just want my life. why they care this hard to my marriage? Just let me not marry. Just let me do my work.'
or ???
She had this thought hoping to find other way to forward.
'wait. wait.'
'Oh, My dream is to get into an honorable position, make a contribution for the kingdom, and live a life of honor with my ability.
I have been believed I can do that. 

In reality,
to do so,
I have to have a normal family like other normal officals or man do. 

I need to be a man of a family
If I stay unmarried, they will see me as a boy forever. And I won't be able to live for my dream.

but I am a girl. 
Even if I want a wife, I can't have one.
And I can't tell the truth to the world. 
Oh my.
If the king knew this, he would kill me in great anger.
What should I do?

...What if... 
By AAAAny chance, with my luck.
If it's possible, I'd like to find a life partner who is a female that I could be with and make a relationship like a lifelong friend. 
Then, finally, I can have my companion,
and I can make my dream come true.

No, No,No. it's not. It can't be.
It shouldn't be. It's a bad unfair idea.
It's my greed.
What an earth, a girl would choose that life?'
Bang Hallim was momentarily swayed by Mr. Yeong's enthusiastic request, but ultimately decided to decline.
"I appreciate your wishes, but I'm afraid I can't accept your request. Please forgive me.”
Mr. Yeong was a little upset earning the same result with all his effort, but he kept up his strategy of moving Bang Hallim.
“I understand. Hallim. I won't bother you anymore. But please don't say no to my offer for a lunch. “
"Haha, a lunch?"
"Yes I can teach you how the official work is going. the proper manner for the king something like this? do you have anyone who can guide you in your family?"
'oh I don't have. I need some advice for thia new experience and job.'
Ju accepted the offer. 


On the appointed day, Ju visited Mr.Yeong’s house.
Bang Hallim and Mr. Yeong, the two talked about a variety of topics, including poetry, philosophy, politics, nobble mannar and relationships with neighboring countries. After the great lunch and hospitality, Ju wanted to express her gratitude for the wonderful lunch and conversation. She said she would write a poem for Mr. Yeong.
The inkstone and brush were brought to her.

Gwanju wrote a poem. The way she performed the writing exuded culture and dignity. 
It was very dignified and elegant.
Hyebing saw this sciene from afar.
and talk to herself.
'The brush flowing leisurely from his hand seems to be drawing a picture rather than writing.
A brush is just a brush, but after meeting that man, It is really showing off it's best style.'

After finishing the sentences, Ju recited the poem as a tribute to his father.


( https://youtu.be/s-iJCN6Xvu8?si=I_cirNvdUZHmGZIb  [a Seonbi who recites poetry]  )

Hyebing was impressed by the voice and lyric from a distance.

'The spirit of a general manager and the softness of a woman are captured in a simple and sophisticated writing style.'

Yeong expressed his gratitude to Ju, peeks at Ju once more.
“Look, I know you’re not interested in marriage right now. But you’re my guest. You’re at my home. As a guest, shouldn’t my daughter greet you? My daughter will come over here soon. Please don’t take it seriouse and don't feel bad about this. this is just a hospitality. You understand this. right?”

And his daughter Bing appears.
Hyebing walked to there in a manner that is different from usual and courteous.
“Father, did you call me?”
and turn to Ju and said.
"I am glad for having great guest as you. please allow me to greet you. This girl is called Hyebing Yeong. Please call me Bing."
She said with a beautiful voice that was not her usual tone. 
like she is in the middle of cosmos. 

When Gwanju saw Hyebing, Ju literally turned to ice.

Ju talk to herself.
'She is so beautiful. her voice is like music.'

Ju's mind is already empted for Bing. nothing but Bing is in her eyes.

Hyebing also had a slight smile on her face as she watched Ju. Her smile seemed sharp and cold, but also confident. 


Ju felt like the world had stopped, like an eternity of time, like a moment of silence.
'Is it true that there is such a pretty and energetic woman? She is shinny. 
Isn't she a really attractive woman? 
It would be amazing to have a lifelong partner like that.
But no no. I can’t marry to any girl. not the girl.
I can't ruin that girl's life, shall I?
I can't do that. I have to say no. '
The father Yeong looked into Hallim Gwanju and catched that she liked his daughter. He was very happy about it.
He couldn't miss this chance. He used his skill of father with 12 children activated, as if he'd been waiting for this moment, he jumped on Ju's mind skillfully.

"How is her?"
Ju was confused about the question. 
Ju hesitated searching for an right answer.
she said to herself.

‘Of course, I want her to be my friend. I wanted to have my lifelong partner. But how could I dare to covet her to be my a wife? I am not a man. ’
'but, also for the daughter of my host, I should do some compliment.'
Gwanju, who normally would have been good at finding wise words, is now very lost.
'how should I answer to him? 
oh, wait. wait. she is not here for being my wife. 
I am over thinking now. hahaha.
calm down Gwanju.
you will just say hello to her.
and she will say it back to me. then, I will say I am fine. she will say how did you like the food. and... I said yes I like it. yes, I do. yes yes like this. go. go. go. let's go. I can do this.'
she practice herself what to talk with her in her mind. 
"It seems like you two could become great life partners. You will be a great friend ever."

"Of course, friend. yes yes. good friend. I like it. I really want to be like that. haha. Yes. Yes. "
Gwanju accidentally answered yes. 
'What? What did I just say?'
without having no time to continue to think, Mr. Yeong happily talked back to Ju.
"Hahaha, I'm glad you like my daughter. From now on, you're my son."
'What? son?'
'what happen now?"

Ju caught up in the atmosphere and they decided to get married. 
like drugging, and all the worries Ju had been holding on to had disappeared.


Gwanju was so happy. The thought of spending the rest of her life with Bing she care seemed like a dream.

She came back home.
and told that to her nanny.
The nanny was worried a lot.

“What Manim? literally What? What?
 Manim, Why did you do that? No, what are you trying to do? “

 Ju got very angry on her.
"Uh huh... Nanny, It is none of your business. How dare you are.
Do you think I am still a child? Don't cross the line. I have all my plans. You should just do what suppose to do.”

The nanny is very worried.
'No, what kind of plan can she have?'
Of course there is no plan.

Gwanju just felt good and happy.
Her mind is absolutely emptied. haha.
She was so intoxicated by that feeling that she didn't even think about the future and just happily waited for the wedding.


Time passed and the day of marriage finally arrived.





The two of them sat in one room for the first night after the wedding.

Gwanju was shaking and sweating profusely.
Now I realize the reality.
‘What now? It will be revealed that I am a woman, and now I will be dead.’
Bing was quietly smiling, as if she knew what was going on in such a situation.
Ju didn't do anything and just fidgeted.
Bing waited and waited and then she said.
“Although I am a girl, I will not reveal the Greatone’s worries, so please do not deceive me too much. “
“Uh-huh, what are you talking about.?”
Ju answered back hard and stern.
but, inside.
Ju was so scared that she just pretended not to know about Bing saying.
Bing cooled down her facial expression and said nothing.
Her terrifying silence passed through the night.
A night passed like that.
Dawn broke, and the rooster crowed at dawn.

Gwanju could not hold back any longer and began to tremble and shed tears.
‘I’m dead now. Now the whole world will know me a girl.
My official position, my accomplishments, and my lifelong companions are all over. It's over. ‘

After watching her cry, Bing spoke in a calm voice.

“Can't you notice it yet? How could I be so bold as to speak to my husband like that? I know that you deceived the world and changed yin and yang. If you share your concerns with me, I will follow your will. “
Gwanju is now bursting into tears.
'Yin and Yang? female and male? What does she mean? does she knows?
I knew this, I knew this was going to happen. I am dead. She knows who I am.'

Then, trembling, Ju told Bing.
“Hello maam. sorry. sorry. I am terribly sorry.
but, listen to me Hyebing Yeong, the truth is, I ended up living like this after losing my parents and navigating the world alone.
I had no intention of getting married in my life, but your father pushed for it, so I had no choice but to allow this marriage. Please forgive me. I had no intention of ruining your life. I'm asking you to keep silent in light of my pitiful situation. I beg you, please.”

After sitting haughtily and listening to the earnest begging, Hyebing spoke.

“My man, Naeri, I knew you were a girl from the beginning. I got married knowingly, so please don’t worry too much about it.”
Gwanju was pretty surprised, like she couldn't believe it, but she figured Bing was really on her side and felt reassured. 

How did Hyebing know that Gwanju was a woman?
Hyebing was a woman with excellent observation and insight into people.
When she saw Gwanju at the first time, she immediately recognized that she had the delicacy of a woman on her mannly spirit and appearance.

 She said, ‘Looking at the appearance, he must be someone who will make a big impact in the world. It is clear that he is someone who will dream of doing great things as a leader... ’

Hyebing kept on observing. She also came to the conclusion that Ju is a special person based on their voice and the way they speak.

Ju is a woman. for sure.
She's really quite pitiful. Why is she a girl who wears men's clothes? And since she lost her parents at an early age, there would have been no one around her to stop her. How did she end up here?
I suppose she's different from other men who try to show off their power and under value women.
I'd like to become friends with that person and live as brothers or sisters.'
From this time, Hyebing noticed that the Gwanju was a girl and agreed to the marriage.
This is how the relationship between the two of them began. It was a secret just for the two of them. They were like minded comrades. Since they were the same age and both wanted a lifelong partner, they promised to maintain this marriage and keep their lifelong friends.

“I’ll be on your side always. It's great to be friends with you. “
“Let us establish a brotherly bond. No betrayal. “

“Anyway, Brother, if you don’t grow a beard, anyone will recognize you. What are you going to do then? “
"You find a way for me. I believe in you. hahaha."

The two enjoyed playing around and getting along well.
Even after work was over, Ju did not hang out wildly like her colleagues, but instead went straight home to spend time with Bing.

This is why the king and ministers liked him even more, saying that he was a family man and a very down-to-earth person.
Their newlywed life passed happily like this.

But, thing happening to all couple should happen to them either. 
The father-in-law, Mr. Yeong was very worried.
'Uh huh, even though they get along so well, they don’t have any kids yet, so what can I do? Is there a problem with my baby girl? Should I introduce him a concubine? '

Even if the father-in-law tried to introduce Ju to concubine, Bang hallim said, “Father. we are good without kid. please don't worry about us."

He thought.
'It’s good that Gwanju, my son-in-law has the right intentions. but, I’m worried.'
like this, the Bing's father was worried a lot about his heirs.

Ju was annoying because people around her kept talking about baby,
and just then a civil unrest broke out in the country.
The king sent Bang Hallim there, and the Ju liked it.
‘I will use this opportunity to prove my abilities and make a mark for my honor. ‘

Ju told this news to her wife Bing.

Hyebing said in surprise.
“What are you going to do? Are you really going? Are you crazy? you might die.”
When Ju heard these words, the she looked at Bing with a straight face and said, 
“Oh, it’s not a woman’s business. never mind. you don't understand man's royal mind to server for the kingdom.” 
Bing stared at Gwanju for a moment with an expression of bewilderment.

Hyebing had a critical laughing to herself.
Cracks slowly began to appear in their relationship in imperceptible ways.

Bang Hallim did a great job of controlling the civil unrest. She clearly accomplished her mission in one year.
She felt that finally she proved her ability as a general leading her army succeesfully.
One peaceful night, she was out for a walk and saw a star fall from the sky. When she got there, there was a newborn baby boy. She named him Nakseong which means a 'fallen star'. 

She came back home with the baby 'Nakseong'.
As always, the nanny looked at the child and told to Gwanju with worry. 

엘리자베스 키스 [5]


“No, naeri, the beasts of the world must achieve harmony between yin and yang, But are you going to continue to live like this? You should have your child for real. 
Your parents in the sky will be worried. Why don't you know that there is order in the world? What if you're  revealed? What are you going to do if this is discovered? You can't do this forever.”

'nagging, nagging, nagging.'
It annoyed Gwanju too much. 
Gwanju is glaring at the nanny scaryly...
“Be quiet. How dare you. If something like that happens, I'll think it was you who did it and I'll cut off ties with you. And I will punish you.”

Her wife, Hyebing, watching this conversation and adds a word.
“Whoa Whoa Whoa come down. bro.
Hello. Hello? Ju? where did the Ju go who I knew?
Why are you criticizing her like that? She could say it to you.
She is almost your mom, not a simple nanny.
she deserve to say it to you.
She raised you taking care of all your secret and supported you anyhow.”

The Gwanju looked straight at her wife Bing.

“Ugh, hang on. hang on.
watch at you, watch at YOU.
do you see your manner?
your manner, as a WIFE.

still for this point, after the long our marridge,
shouldn't you have enought time to learn about duties of a wife?
how dare you call your man's name like your brother?
Am I your friend? be careful for your manner. WIFE. Hyebing Yeong.”

The wife looked into space with a straight face.
and she just laughed quietly.

Their child, Nakseong, grew up well. This kid is also outstanding in many ways.
There were many people around him who were interested in him, and when he turned to 8, the Kim family proposed a marriage, and he married to a girl from the family at his age 12. 
Time passed, and the country was once again engulfed in war.
Bang hallim applied to lead the war. and king approved it.
When her wife criticizes her for that risky decision, Gwanju responds Bing angrily.
She's been taken aback.
and said Ju again. 
“look at you. Can you even hold the sword? Are you out of mind? what about your period? How will you wear that such heavy armor? How would you go into battle in a woman's body? it's crazy? “
Ju yells at her wife.
“Uh huh, How dare you are. stay your concern out of man's business. you don't understand what the battle is.”

The wife looked into the empty space with a straight face.
and she just laughed and sighed quietly.


Fortunately, Ju were successfully lead the army on the battlefield.
One day, there was an intruder in the night, but she knew this will happen to her, because she could read the fortune from the constallations. She punished the intruder by herself. This event took off other's doubt of her as a general so she could lead them easy to follow her strategy. 

One way or another, as time went by, she contnued to grow achivement for the kingdom her honor gradually increased.


and also got her grandchildren. everything was so perfect for her.

Bing had her joy taking care of her grandchildren. because Ju was always busy. 

Ju and Bing's relationship looked the same and peaceful. 


엘리자베스 키스 [5]





Only one thing wasn't the same. Their relationship was not what it used to be. 
Bing looked more sad and empty than before. But Ju had no time to take care of Bing's feeling. 
Gwanju was happy with her honor that she achieved as official servant for the kingdom.
The king still cared about Bang hallim a lot with trust.
One day, the king gave two very special gifts to Bang.
a set of writing brush and a hat.


[52, 53]




Bang really liked the quality of the brush. It was the best quality brush made from marten hair. It was a brush that all scholars would like to have for the rest of their lives and even to take to their graves. But she gave the writing brush to her son without any hesitation.

and with a big of smile she put on the hat for herself.
then fully dressed up for the hat and enjoyed the moment for herself.

and showing off and showing off. 


홍복을 입은 선비 [40]

It was to Bing condescending with an exaggerated gesture.
Looking at that, it's exactly the behavior of men that Hyebing hates. It was a manner of higher position with fake honor and light minded. 
The image of her old time holding a brush and writing down a sentence was nowhere to be seen, and it was disappointing to see the husband so intoxicated and excited about an official hat to wear with her uniform.
So, Hyebing said to Gwanju with twisted manner.

“It is awsome that you give the gifts the writing brush you received from the king to your son.
but why do you not giving me any, to your life-long companion?“
“What the hell Bu-in, you should want what you must want. I gave you everything that you have now, what an earth you want more? don't you think it's shameful that you are dissatisfied and complain? “
Hyebing thought it was absurd.
her intension was just to blame Ju not caring anymore the noble words or wisdom from books or writing.
her point was not about telling her wish to have any present from Ju. 
brush is no more Ju's care. because she is totally forgotten what she used to be. 
their comunication is not going well anymore. 

“You are truly proud of yourself. I can see from you. But remember this. You have worries that I don't have. Even if it gets revealed, will you be still proud of yourself or not? “

“Uh-huh~ Buin, don’t talk nonsense. ”
The wife looked into space with a straight face.
and she bitterly laughed and stay quiet.
Where did their friendship and love go?
Now this couple lost the sweet friendship they used to have. it is all gone.
Like the most couple, only the dry duties of husband and wife remained.


One day, Gwanju meets a monk right outside her house.
The monk said that Gwanju’s fate had come to an end.
“You don’t have much longer to live. Get ready to close the chapter on your life.”
And when Ju returned to her room with a sad heart, there was a mysterious, bright letter lying there.

‘In your another life, you caused trouble in sky as a lazy play boy and were sent to this earth. Now is the time that I have to take your life. Quietly prepare your journey to the sky. your time on earth is running out.'

And the letter disappeared like smoke.
After hearing this prophecy, Gwanju took a moment to reflect on her life and think about the closing chapter. And she felt really sorry for her wife.

‘I am going to die soon, so what is my wife’s fault for meeting me? I am terribly sorry to her. I made another sinn in this life to un innocent girl. My comrade Hyebing, I am so sorry for you. I couldn't live the life like this without you. and you secrifies your life for me. If I just leave this life, how would she manage on her own?'
She changed her attitude to her wife, she went back to her old time Gwanju. She kindly treated her wife and took care of her a lot. 
so, the Bing said. 
"Why are you suddenly acting wierd? are you going to die or what? what an earth this could happen."
but inside Bing was happy that Ju was treating her preciously. 
She was also taking care of Ju more. 
Gwanju want to treat her neighbor well.
'I want to say good bye quietly to my friends and neighbor before I go.'
And, she had a big feast. She was happy watching people enjoying together caring together. 

회혼례도 [11]


태평성시도 [11]


From that day on, Gwanju became very sick.
So the king came to visit her house.
At this time, she told the truth to the king. 
“Your Majesty, I have committed a great sin. I have been deceiving your Majesty the Emperor all these years….”
But the king forgived her.
“Don't be sorry to me any more. The reason I hired my talented people through the examination was to find a man of ability and to avoid discrimination in status. You have done a lot of good for this kingdom, so I forgive you.”


And a few days later, Gwanju died.
Her wife was shocked by this, her strength ran out, and she naturally followed Gwanju's path.
After Nakseong their son finished up with the funeral for his folks, he and his wife and grandkids looked up at the night sky and missed their parents and grand parents.

In Nakseong’s dream, the Bang couple appeared.
“Nakseong, my boy, do you know why your name is Nakseong? You're not related to us by blood, but you're still our son. We believe you were born from a star. One day, I went to the place where the meteor fell, and you were there.
Before this life, we were originally stars in the sky. I was a 'Mungokseong' and my wife was a 'Sangahseong' . We loved each other a lot. However, we were so caught up in our joy that we didn't fulfill our duty. So we were punished and reincarnated as women on Earth. Now we're back in the sky, doing our job. We're also making sure we're on good terms with each other. We are doing well. We can still love each other here. My son, Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself and your family, Nakseong. My sweet baby."

 ps. author's comment.
The bird hears the story of the day and the mouse hears the story of night. 
likewise, Here's the story of Mr. Bang, recorded.

We don't know whether this story is true or not. 
-The End-

Translater's comment

 방한림전 편역한 글이다.
[17세기 조선 후기의 작자 미상 소설,
명나라가 소설의 배경으로 나오나, 초기 청나라때 쓰여진 것으로 보인다. 소설의 배경이 명이나 여성의 생활상이나 서술된 시대적 내용이 조선의 것을 반영하는 것으로 보아, 교양을 갖춘 조선의 여성이 쓴 것으로 추정 된다.]
원본의 내용의 거의 유지하면서, 번역자의 자의적 해석에 따라 대화 구성 및 세부 디테일을 붙이고 수정했음을 밝힌다.

 Additional knowledge for the historical background of this story. 

The date of transcription is clearly stated in Bang and Young’s story [Banghanlimjeon방한림전]. This leads us to conclude that the year of transcription is 1883. The time of first publication of this novel is unknown, but the background of the novel suggests it was written in the late Joseon Dynasty, for China, late Dang or early Qing dynasty(16**). 
Given that the women in this novel do not wear JeonJok(foot bindings) and the description of their living customs in the novel, it appears that this novel was written by a Joseon noble woman with no knowledge of Ming living customs. However, like the intellectuals of Joseon at the time, this woman seems to have chosen the main character of the novel to be the daughter of a prominent family out of admiration for the Ming Dynasty.

(Historical background)
 The late Joseon Dynasty refers to the period after the Imjin War and the Byeongja Manchu War. After the wars, Joseon society underwent significant changes in politics, the economy, and the perception of the common people. These changes were driven by disappointment with the dynasty and those in power. In particular, many novels featuring independent women appeared during this period. 

- Summary of the Imjin War [3] -

In 1591, Japan began attacking Busan. and Hanseong where king live fell. King Seonjo fled to the Yalu River. The enraged populace seized the prince and delivered him to Japan.
Yi Sun-sin, the leader of the Jeolla Province, took control of the sea and righteous armies from all over rose up to counterattack, turning the tide.
In January 1593, joint operations were carried out with the Ming Dynasty reinforcements, resulting in the recapture of Pyongyang and Hanseong.
Some years later, negotiations were held between the Ming and Japan, and in 1597, Japan resumed the war. At this juncture, Joseon was fully prepared, and the war broke out only in the south. It concluded with the withdrawal of Japanese troops in 1598, following the death of Toyotomi.
In the Jeongmyo War, Joseon was invaded by Later Jin and soundly defeated. After the war, Later Jin and Joseon signed a peace treaty. Joseon advocated neutral diplomacy between Later Jin and Ming. After conquering all of Manchuria, the Later Jin expanded its power and attacked the Ming Dynasty. They learned that Joseon was taking a more favorable stance toward Ming than toward them. After the Treaty of Jeongmyo, Joseon was giving supplies to the Later Jin, so the Later Jin was annoyed by Joseon's attitude.  Jin demanded that the relationship between the two countries be changed from that of brothers to that of king and subject, which meant war. There were several conflicts in the border area, and public opinion worsened due to rude demands, such as sending the prince as a hostage. So, King Injo and his officials gathered their troops and decided to fight decisively. But that was all. They prepared for war only with words. They couldn't face reality
On December 1, 1636, Taizong of Qing (Hong Taiji) brought 70,000 Qing troops, 30,000 Mongolian troops, and 20,000 Han Chinese troops. Cross the Yalu River on the 1st of December and arrive in Kaesong on the 5th. They advanced at an extremely fast pace. Hanyang only heard this news on the afternoon of the 13th. The news and the troops are moving almost at the same speed. Hanyang is fricked about this news. They moved swiftly to evacuate. King Injo took refuge in Namhan Fortress. Heavy snow has isolated them more. The Qing army arrived there and waited for 40 days with a siege. With cold and hunger, King Injo surrendered to the Qing Dynasty and knelt to become a subject country. That is how this short war ended. The people of Joseon were utterly shocked by this turn of events..
Joseon maintained a Sadae relationship(meaning give respect to the great country) with the Ming Dynasty from the begining of the Joseon kingdom. but these two countries held hegemony in Northeast Asia, from the late 14th century to the early 16th century. There were numerous conflicts between the two countries, despite it, there was also a great deal of active economic cooperation, mixed alliances, and exchanges in the fields of art, literature, and philosophy. Joseon was particularly fond of the poetry, literature, and philosophy of the Ming Dynasty. After the Ming collapsed, the Ming Dynasty became a nostalgia in Joseon, while maintaining new sadae relations with the Qing Dynasty.
This novel written in the time of Qing Dynasty. but we can see how people that time still miss Ming culture. 
2024.06.09 - [일상잡담/전시공연문화] - 방한림전
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[53] https://namu.wiki/w/%EB%8B%B4%EB%B9%84 [한국 고유의 담비]



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