세계에서 가장 오래된 재배 볍씨가 한국에서 발견되었다.
이로써 쌀의 중국 기원설은 일단 한국으로 넘어왔다.
또 다른 볍씨가 어딘가에서 발견되기 전까지 이 발굴과 연구는 고고학의 의미있는 증거가 될 것이다.
또한 이 발견은 중국에서 농경문화를 한국으로 전파했다는 설에 대한 지지근거를 약화시키게 되었다.
참고할 사이트 및 자료들
[1] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3207552.stm (world's oldest rice found)
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | World's 'oldest' rice found
By Dr David Whitehouse BBC News Online science editor Rice was on the menu for ancient man Scientists have found the oldest known domesticated rice. The handful of 15,000-year-old burnt grains was discovered by archaeologists in Korea. Their age challenges
[2] https://heritageofjapan.wordpress.com/yayoi-era-yields-up-rice/the-advent-of-agriculture-and-the-rice-revolution/life-on-a-wet-rice-farming-village/south-korean-discovery-of-rice-older-than-chinas/#:~:text=Scientists%20have%20found%20the%20oldest,China%20about%2012%2C000%20years%20ago. https://youtu.be/yZDUM5uWO14?si=7ZHna4r5lVkvVAZG
[3] https://youtu.be/gRC4sZJN1Dw?si=dsvaXUDKKB6RDjpx
[4] https://youtube.com/shorts/2_M62RS0670?si=BH5NLmce78Ezd41N
[5] Colin Renfrew, Paul Bahn , 2016, "Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice Seventh Edition."
[5] this is the answer from the ChatGPT.
In 1997, archaeologists discovered significant evidence related to the origin of rice farming in Korea at the site of Sorori, located in the Chungbuk region. This discovery provided crucial insights into the early development of rice agriculture in the Korean Peninsula.
Key Findings from the Sorori Site
Ancient Rice Grains:
The Sorori site revealed charred rice grains dated to approximately 12,000 to 15,000 years ago, placing them in the early Holocene period.
These grains are some of the oldest evidence of rice cultivation in East Asia, suggesting that rice farming may have begun in Korea earlier than previously thought.
Implications for Agricultural History:
The discovery pushed back the timeline for the introduction and development of rice agriculture in Korea.
It provided evidence that rice cultivation in Korea could be contemporaneous with, or even earlier than, rice farming in other parts of East Asia, such as China.
Cultural and Technological Insights:
The findings at Sorori indicate that early Korean societies were engaged in advanced agricultural practices and had developed the necessary technology for rice cultivation.
This has implications for understanding the spread of agricultural techniques and the movement of early human populations in East Asia.
Archaeological Techniques
The dating of the rice grains was conducted using radiocarbon dating methods, ensuring accuracy in determining their age.
The site itself was excavated using standard archaeological techniques, including stratigraphic analysis and careful documentation of the context in which the grains were found.
Broader Context
The Sorori discovery aligns with other archaeological findings in East Asia that
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