
I am a robot, because I fail the robot test. hahaha

카리스χάρης 2024. 5. 27. 23:48


I am failing the robot test. 



How come? 


It was too difficult to pass this test. 

maybe I am thinking different way. 


There are some vague part to select the answer boxs.



this photo is fine to decide.



but this image is problematic.


Should we select the rider on the motorcycle?

because rider is not a machine.

should we select the rider?


I checked only the motorcycle part, not human. 


Traffic lights should be only the light part or the whole part contains the light? 

in this case, I checked the whole pole that is holding the light with it.



and I didn't pass the test. ^^





I didn't want to select the helmet part of the rider.

because the helmet is not motorcycles. 


this time, I select only the light part, only selected two squers from the following image. 

and also on the little far distance, there is another traffic light. 



how many boxes should we select? 



very little part of the light overcrossed to other cells. 




what is stairs? should we include balustrades? or only the bottom stair part? 




anyway, I failed again. 


this is my first time not passing the robot test. 


What was my way to think? 

why am I feeling confused out of sudden?








and I pass the test. 

I proved that I am not a robot. 




hardest test ever. 


didn't choose the rider.
only the bottom part
no balustrade inclueded



it took too long. 


I think this test is problematic. 

the question should give me more detailed explanation. 

It was hard for me. 


anyway, I pass the test. 



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